

North America Education Institute
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Managing Service in Food and Beverage Operations 4th Edition
Managing Service in Food and Beverage Operations 4th Edition
原價格US$:119 會員價格US$:0

This textbook shows students how food service professionals create and deliver guest-driven service, enhance value, build guest loyalty, and promote repeat business. Students will learn how every aspect of a food service operation contributes to the guest experience and will explore unique features of a variety of food and beverage operations.

The fourth edition is a comprehensive revision featuring the latest service trends contributing to the guest experience; new leadership information; sustainability/green issues for suppliers, equipment, and facilities; menu trends; revised labor and cost control information; and all new restaurant industry examples.

This textbook now comes packaged with a keycode that provides access to an online component that provides additional, interactive material to reinforce the books content. The online content provides information on the skills and knowledge required of restaurant servers.

Authors: Ronald F. Cichy, Ph.D., NCE, CHA Emeritus, CFBE, CHE, Michigan State University and Philip J. Hickey, Jr., Chairman of the Board, O’ Charley’s, Inc.
©2012, 15 chapters, Softbound
ISBN 978-0-86612-395-2
