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Marketing in the Hospitality Industry 5th Edition
Marketing in the Hospitality Industry 5th Edition
原價格US$:104 會員價格US$:0

This introductory text provides readers with a real-world perspective on the world of hospitality marketing, with industry forms and practical ideas for increasing sales and making marketing more effective. The text includes discussions of understanding consumer needs and market segmentation, and how to select the best marketing tools to reach consumers.

This edition includes new material that reflects the rapidly changing environment of the 21st century hospitality industry, particularly in the areas of technology and electronic marketing. New information looks at how technology has affected the industry and where it is taking marketing and the consumer.

Ronald A. Nykiel, Ph.D., CHA, CHE, University of Houston
©2011, 27 chapters, Softbound
ISBN 978-0-86612-355-6
