

North America Education Institute
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Planning and Control for Food and Beverage Operations 8th Edition
Planning and Control for Food and Beverage Operations 8th Edition
原價格US$:107 會員價格US$:0

This essential management textbook introduces readers to the control processes used to reduce costs and increase efficiency in food and beverage operations. The book explores how planning and control functions can help operations work smarter, compete for market share, and provide value to guests.

This new edition has a greater focus on point-of-sale systems and other new technologies and how they contribute to control processes and procedures. New “Effective Control Tactic” features throughout the text highlight basic principles of effective food and beverage management.

Author: Jack D. Ninemeier, Ph.D., CHA, CFBE, CHE
©2013, 14 chapters, Softbound
ISBN 978-0-86612-416-4
